One Piece World RPG

Ein One Piece Forum RPG für das Triumvirat
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The Grand Line - New World 新世界

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The second half of the Grand Line is a whole “new world” of adventures beyond anything that one might face in the first half. Islands in the New World experience changes in their magnetic waves, which makes a special New World Log Pose necessary so as not to get lost.
182 Jahre vorher: ...
Mi Nov 01, 2023 4:22 pm
Raid Den letzten Beitrag anzeigen
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Hirosaki Island

A medium sized island in the new world, harboring many small cities and villages. This village is known as the base of operations and home of the Atomic Pirates and is protected by Yonkou "Fallout" Maynard.
17Atomic Festival ...
Fr März 29, 2024 3:22 am
Granberry Loux Den letzten Beitrag anzeigen
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Blue Grill

A small, utopian island located right between Sphinx and Whole Cake Island. It is uninhabited, except for the Four-Colours Pirates around Yonkou Peradie Avess, who made it his home. Blue Grill is said to be home to many miraculous fish and ingredients.
23Meal Tree - Shok...
Mo Okt 23, 2023 6:05 pm
Peradie Avess Den letzten Beitrag anzeigen
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Borlin Archipelago

This pirate islands archipelago was a flourishing trade hub for underground activities such as the sale of weapons, drugs and other illegal wares through the Marine Military Code 159. It was the grounds of a fierce battle between Yonkou proxies, its area was evenly split and each of the Yonkou holds complete control over their designated area. Once per year the protectorate of the islands is granted to another Yonkou in order to upkeep their safety and neutrality.
The Grand Line - New World 新世界 Empty
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